Well, of course, we know the reason: limiting PROFITS is unholy in this country. It would also expose the fleecing the physicians are getting and show that accountability really isn't the reason for inhuman medical expenses here. Insurance companies treat the medical profession like a hostage, extorting ever more from those who have no choice. It's a charming plan, though: they get to make good their losses in bad, greedy investments, and they can scream bloody murder and get their true goal, which is immunity from responsibility.
If they REALLY wanted to do something about the health care crisis--and that's a REAL crisis--they would limit insurance companies' profit margin on these policies to something like, oh, say 8%, or even have the government do it.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Funny.
Why does no one ever bring things like this up? It's like tax breaks for the rich that are ostensibly to stimulate investment; why aren't the breaks only available if you prove you use the money to invest? Or how about the inheritance tax being used to save small businesses; why isn't it written in that legitimate small businesses warrant the break, whereas huge family accumulations don't?
We continually let them give a bogus reason for sweeping legislation that benefit the rich or corporations, without making the justification a built-in mechanism. Reality is our best weapon, yet we never seem to use it.