Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 04:24 PM by Caliphoto
It's very obvious to me. Anyone who thinks that ANY Democrat is going to have a cakewalk against the Rove of the world are mistaken. Dean took it first because he was the front-runner for a while. The other candidates should be hearing that drip.. drip.. drip.. for themselves anytime soon.
Okay. To illustrate the point, in a humorous fashion (sorta) I was moved to write the little song below about Dean, the media, and the Iowa Caucus. You'll recognzie the tune. Tho it seems silly.. the message is quite clear at the end. It's a cautionary tale to every campaign who is at the mercy of the corporate media:
Howard got run over by the pundits, on his way to caucus Monday eve. You may say there's no such thing as bias... but as for all the Deanies, we believe.
He was being uber-honest. And we hoped he'd take it slow, Howard cried 'the people have to hear this'! as he bounded off the bus, into the snow.
When we found him Tuesday morning, at the scene of the attack With Rove's initials on his forehead, and Democratic arrows in his back.
Howard got run over by the pundits, on his way to caucus Monday eve. You may say there's no such thing as bias... but as for all the Deanies, we believe.
The pundits mused that this was "bye-bye" Howard, the Dean supporters didn't handle that too well. What did not kill Howard made him stronger He's in New Hampshire, Howard give 'em hell!
Oh, Howard got run over by the pundits, on his way to caucus Monday eve. You may say there's no such thing as bias... but as for all the Deanies, we believe.
Better watch out for your campaign, Pundits can turn on you just like that Unless you want to see November's winner In Kennebunkport, wearing a cowboy hat!