Carefully note that by self-evident logic not all the following 4 propositions can be true.
1. As regretted by most Americans and without historical precedent, the US undertook a dubiously provoked unilateral invasion, a determining factor being Rice's distortion of fact.
2. On an occasion for the express purpose of addressing Rice's suitability for the role of Secretary of State, Rice is called out on 1 by Boxer.
3. Rice brushes it off as inappropriate impugning of her integrity, correctly anticipating the consensus of politicians and pundits on all sides.
4. The US is a sound democracy.
Given the necessity for a death-blow to the bad faith that strangles our culture, Boxer has taken on a greater fight we should join and finish. As to the means, they are mainly negative, don't lose nerve and don't be seduced by errant sophistication. On both counts the earnest cheers of the citizens (remember them?) who now back the fighter in blue will be worth tuning into.