Reply 1 - Posted by: hershey, 2/7/2005 10:39:09 AM
Yep, time to get people off the dole. The dims will surely scream their socalistic heads off.
Maybe Boxer will cry for the cameras.
Reply 2 - Posted by: Sunflower, 2/7/2005 10:47:12 AM
Amen, and quit the farm subsidies, let our farmers grow all they want, quit importing so much, also hopefully the farm subsidies will stop blather-memo-gate from receiving a subsidy for his ranch in N.Mex. About Social Security, the deeemon-krats have messed with that so much, taking SS away from the ones who paid in, making it another welfare plan. Calling Veterans who served 20 years, than got another job of double dipping, so they couldn't receive their fair share from earning 2 pensions, among other things. Peanut carter introduced the Bill that pays foreigners to be put on SS soon as they step foot in the USA, then they send for the rest of their huge family, another Vote buying gimmick for the RATS.
Reply 3 - Posted by: Pro Nuke, 2/7/2005 10:52:06 AM
On the one hand the Republicans are spending the country into bankruptcy, if you listen to the liberal media's bleating. "BAAAD Republicans.
On the other hand, if the Republicans attempt to rein in spending, zero out redundant programs, reduce waste, fraud and (my mind is going. What is the third part of this hackneyed phrase? Oh yes...) abuse, then they get sucker punched with the complaint that the poor will suffer.
The fact that the Associated Press choses to charactorize this budget as an attack on the citizenry just indicates that the AP is a pawn of the Democrat Party and are no longer to be trusted to accurately report on the political scene.
Lets limit editorials to the Op-Ed pages and put real News on the front page.
Reply 4 - Posted by: Confident, 2/7/2005 10:52:44 AM
This is my money and your money and I'm sick and tired of the way Washington spends it.
Reply 5 - Posted by: dlentz10, 2/7/2005 10:53:07 AM
I think the farm subsidities are the key to the problem. If the farm subsidities go, then the politcal support for a lot of the other pork will go as well.
Reply 7 - Posted by: trotter, 2/7/2005 10:56:19 AM
Bravo to the President. It is well past time that we start cutting back the federal government. The Ag Dept. alone is a total waste - we actually have more than 8 federal employees in the Ag Dept. for every American farmer.
Reply 14 - Posted by: hillarymustbestopped, 2/7/2005 11:23:38 AM
Boxer will cry and pull her hair and rend her garments, LOL.
Reply 16 - Posted by: steveW, 2/7/2005 11:29:08 AM
The huge number of quotes by Democrats decrying the "Bush deficit" should be delicious to dredge up now.
Reply 17 - Posted by: gop juggernaut redux, 2/7/2005 11:33:39 AM
Best reason to overhaul the tax code is so we can dispense with the left's favorite tactic: class warfare.
Reply 20 - Posted by: RTChoke, 2/7/2005 11:40:40 AM
The loyal opposition's argument will be the Iraq money -- if we didn't have to spend all that money on Halliburton (Dick Cheney is funneling money to them you know and enriching himself) we could provide needed services to the most vulnerable among us, reduce chilling effects, etc etc. and build more federal buildings and roads in West Virginia.
Reply 25 - Posted by: OMyMy, 2/7/2005 12:41:45 PM
I'll have one big boo-hoo if Congress takes money away from veterans healthcare. Where I live almost everything is outpatient now, and its over 200 miles to travel to see a specialist in nearly all fields of medicine. Take the welfare, slash the needless, but leave the money for those who fought for America.