Jesus On Toast, who set off the abortion "debate" over in GD? It oughta be apparent by now that there are a few questions that will simply never be decided: abortion, religion, guns and sexuality. You can discuss them 'til the world looks level but nobody ever changes their position.
When the CONservatives want to stir us into an instant orgy of foot-shooting, or otherwise completely muddy the water at any time, all they gotta do is drop one of those little bombs and we will spend the next four weeks chewing on each others' ankles. Hell, I notice "we're" even doing it to ourselves!
Haven't we noticed yet that all we do is spin our damn wheels (and thus make the hole higher) when we get sucked into talking about abortion, religion, guns and/or sexuality? Ain't it about time we quit falling for the bait? Any time somebody wants to lure me into one of these "discussions," I tell 'em something like this:
"Abortion? That's a decision that needs to be left up to the woman involved. The government has no business there." It will work for the other three topics, too.
:freak: dbt