She makes some good points in this article, quite fair. rightly points out that Howard Dean has great ability in energizing and enthusing the grassroots fundraising.
"Past Democratic Party chairmen have focused on raising big money from lobbyists, labor and corporate types. Republicans and Democrats generally go after the same people. In Washington, Republicans and Democrats partner in lobbying firms to make more money -- many companies and PACs routinely give to both sides, although not necessarily in the same amount.
And there is the rub for Democrats: The richer you are, the more likely you are to be a Republican. Many very, very rich people are Republicans. Business PACs vastly outnumber labor PACs, and they favor Republicans for obvious reasons: Their policies tend to be more consistent.
I really like this point she makes.That creates two obvious problems for Democrats, not necessarily in order of importance. First, it means less money. Second, it gets in the way of policy. For Democrats, it is a lose-lose proposition...."SNIP..."Dean will be a different kind of Democratic chair.
The corporate interests will have plenty of places to contribute -- within the party, as well as the Senate and House campaign committees, which is what they really care about anyway.
What Dean can do is what he began in his campaign, which is to build the base into a real machine, capable of driving turnout and producing funds. If he can put together a machine that works for the next nominee as well as the one the Republicans built worked for George Bush, he will have done his job....."END SNIP