http://mediamatters.org/items/200502120003In taped CNN interview, Gannon misrepresented Senate Intel report findings on Joe Wilson
In an interview with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, former Talon News Washington bureau chief and White House correspondent Jeff Gannon falsely claimed that the Senate Intelligence Committee "chastised" former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV "for essentially misleading everybody along" by denying that his wife, former CIA operative Valerie Plame, was responsible for the CIA's decision to send Wilson to Niger to investigate allegations that Iraq had tried to purchase uranium from the west African nation.
On the February 11 edition of News from CNN, Blitzer showed a clip of his interview with Gannon from the evening before, part of which had aired on the February 10 edition of Wolf Blitzer Reports. In the clip, Gannon explained why the Justice Department had interviewed him as part of its investigation into the leak of Plame's identity as a CIA undercover operative:
GANNON: They were interested in where -- how I knew or received a copy of a confidential CIA memo that said that uh, Valerie Plame suggested that Joe Wilson be sent on this mission -- something that they have all vigorously denied but which is, in effect, true. The Senate Intelligence Committee eight months later, when they issued their report, said that and chastised Joe Wilson for essentially misleading everybody all along, and that's the day Joe Wilson was no longer a
Kerry campaign adviser.
In fact, the Senate Intelligence Committee's report (pdf) did not reach a conclusion about how the CIA made its decision, much less "chastise" Wilson, who had denied that his wife had "anything to do" with the CIA's decision. Here's what the report stated: