And perhaps then some. True, Organic Farming is much, much more labor-intensive without the assistance of petroleum-based fertilizers and equipment. But given the degradation of soil and the implications of Peak Oil, we're really not going to have much of a choice anyway.
Not that I'm advocating the current sustained global baby boom or anything close to that, however. Even Organic Farming at its' best will only carry us so far, up until we hit an absolute wall in food production when we are using the full capacity of the Earth's arable land.
We do urgently need to gradually and peacefully implement measures to cut our numbers down. Think birth control, vasectomies, tube tying, and/or something akin to steep fines for families who have more than a maximum of 1 or 2 kids, as well as tax breaks/credits and incentives for couples who decide not to have ANY kids, period. If we don't take the initiative and do our part to end our population/resource overshoot, Mother Nature will certainly, eventually and inevitably unleash far, far more painful methods to do it for us.
I think our key problems here aren't so much about alternative energy development and production -- although make no mistake, that certainly is absolutely critical to our survival -- but are actually about breaking down and breaking up the entrenched structures, and removing from power the people who control those structures who are preventing us from taking the necessary steps forward to save civilization and the planet itself.
The fact is, Multinational Conglomerate Corporations are way too powerful and wield way too much influence over government in virtually every country and political body on Earth today. What city, state or national government isn't beholden to corporate influence on some level or another? Look at how badly corporate money has tainted our political system.
In addition, the people who operate and benefit most from corporations, namely CEOs and other top corporate executives, are the individuals least likely to suffer the most immediate and devestating consequences of their actions. How quickly did Ken Lay suffer for his hand in cooking Enron's books? Will he ever be reduced to pushing carts and bagging groceries in his old age like so many of his former employees have been, because of his criminal decisions? When the people at the top who make the executive decisions don't have to directly face or experience the consequences of those decisions, the stage is set for massive corruption and breathtaking abuses of power.
But with Peak Oil and its implications nearly at our doorstep, one way or another, this disgusting, breathtaking contempt for reason, honor and decency is going to come to an end. The question is, will we allow it to continue until the entire human race and all life on Earth teeters on the brink of annihilation?
The Corporations and the people who run them have a vested interest in maintaining their hold on power for as long as they possibly can, and they will cling like desperate, end-stage drug abuse addicts to whatever grants them that power, be it Oil or whatever other natural resource they are so dependent upon. As a drug addict is to crack, the Bushes, Cheney, CEOs and other people who derive their power from Corporate structure are literally addicted to power. How does a drug addict act when he can't get his fix? He lapses into withdrawal and convultions, but often before that, he may embark on a rampage of thievery, deception, robbery and even murder just to get that one more high.
And look at the oil companies now. Look at Dick Cheney. Look at the Republicans. These fools have lived so long and high on the money and power that they have derived from Oil that they have been scared totally shitless by the prospect of Peak Oil and its subsequent production decline. And now we're in Iraq, and they are beating the drum more and more to invade Iran. Remember what I said about drug addicts?
No more Oil = No more Fix = No more power (figuratively & literally)
And we wonder why major media is keeping so many people in the US in the dark about what is really going on? If the American people knew what Michael Ruppert, Dick Cheney and those of us posting on this thread know now, Oil stocks and Wall Street would crash faster than you can say "1929" and the entire Bush Family Evil Empire would be in handcuffs onboard a one way flight to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes against humanity.