but almost everything is still subjective, and you could make an argument that fits into the principles fairly easy, that may or may not be true. For instance, you could argue, as above, that genocide is a "last resort" situation, but to what extent, and when that genocide occured, could be significantly more elusive. I think the same is the case with Iraq and the phantom WMDs.
Do you think that there was any urgency? Seems that with all the people who've died in the Middle East, the situation is seriously fucked up over there, and though I don't believe that we entered on the side of justice, if a more honest assesment came to conclude that something needed to be done, and all efforts were made to do justice to the Iraqis, or whichever citizenry -- would it then be justified, under the same terms.
There is too, this idea that intervention must provide more peace than the previous situation, and I've been hearing how the Shi'a have won big in this election, and could align the country with Iran, possibly contributing to a more perilous post-war situation.
And if the neocons were HONEST about what they are trying to do, which is mostly to assure U.S. access to a dwindling oil supply -- why ISN'T that a good argument. Fried corpses aside, what happens here when the oil runs out?
There is a movie called "The End of Suburbia," which I haven't watched, but that I was watching the previews for, that made me start thinking about all of this. I definitely believe in the sovereignty of nations, but if the case can be made, environmentally, that the air and water are public, on a global scale, could the argument not be made that the oil needs to flow for the benefit of humanity?
I realize there is much more here, including reluctance to use and transfer our energy needs away from those which are powered by fossil fuels -- and though I do believe that there is a lot of cronyism going on, it seems to me that these companies could make a lot MORE money, if they came up with the clean-burning, alternative energy system o the future. Or do they simpy worship at the alter of oil, like it's some kind of fetish?
At any rate, they're sneaky, and they lie -- which is the worst part.