I started a post earlier this morning, and have seen others throughout the day, that indicated many were unfamiliar with the reason Howard Kurts is a HYPOCRITICAL whore.
It all has to do with his wife; MSNBC "analyst" Shari Annis.
In brief: He is anything but objective. Here's a good assessment of the situation:
“It’s ironic that Kurtz would suggest a conflict of interest between a couple. Kurtz is married to Sheri Annis, who is a GOP public relations strategist supporting the re-election of George W. Bush. Annis also was part of Arnold Schwartzneggar’s brain trust in his recall election. She also worked on a California voter proposition that would force immigrant children to speak English in school. She appears regularly on Chris Matthews’s “Hardball” program as a conservative pundit and writes for the National Review. She also worked on a campaign to stop “living wage” laws. She even calls her company Fourth Estate Strategies.
Not a bad idea, of course, when your husband is a prominent member of the Fourth Estate as a Washington Post columnist whose work is seen daily and, in another bit of irony, hosts CNN’s Reliable Sources, which is a program that is supposed to look critically at the media, his Post being one of the 800 lbs. gorillas of the industry.(more)
http://commonwealthcommonsense.typepad.com/commonwealthcommonsense/2004/06/howard_kurtz_ba.htmlIt should put his behavior re: Guckert/Gannon in a whole new light for the uninitiated.
Edit: I also posted this because right now, I think he's vulnerable. I WANT HIM EXPOSED--and jobless, frankly.