1 - Posted by: thewarden, 2/14/2005 10:24:41 PM
But someone like, say, Bubba or Hillary Clinton's records would be off-limits, yes? If you are a Conservative...bend over!
Reply 2 - Posted by: mikkins, 2/14/2005 10:29:08 PM
My favorite bumpersticker is:
"Even on drugs Rush is still right!"
Witch hunt pure and simple. Did he do it. Maybe. If he did will I care? Nope.
He is not an elected official. He is not in charge of teaching children. He wasnt driving. He wasnt beating his wife. He had a problem. Good enough for me.
Reply 3 - Posted by: pithy_opiner, 2/14/2005 10:29:42 PM
Hey #1 - money says the records have already been scanned into hillary's computer (while the prosecutor held onto them illegally).
Reply 4 - Posted by: CorkysDad, 2/14/2005 10:54:17 PM
Gov Bush should step in and demand all evidence -now. Then issue a pardon - then invite Rush to the Gov's mansion for dinner. Let the LIB swines stew in that one.
Reply 5 - Posted by: TheTech, 2/14/2005 11:11:22 PM
I agree the records have been scanned and Hillary has them.
Reply 8 - Posted by: avikingman, 2/14/2005 11:33:49 PM
The donkey in the living room remains the judge who OKd their release. The prosecutor could not have gotten the records without the judge's approval.
He's a lefty demonRAT.
Reply 9 - Posted by: pithy_opiner, 2/14/2005 11:51:49 PM
forget about the courts - hillary will use these medical records in her prez run in '08....
case closed.....
Reply 10 - Posted by: Reagangal, 2/14/2005 11:58:05 PM
It's a scary thought that Rush could lose this. It would not bode well for any citizen.
Go Rush!
Reply 13 - Posted by: miceal, 2/15/2005 12:21:51 AM
In the end, Rush will collect MUCHO' dollars from the State of Florida. I'd like to see some jail time for those that ignored Florida law and released his records. And to the DA's who illegally confiscated them in the first place.
Reply 15 - Posted by: VICTORY, 2/15/2005 12:50:34 AM
These guys will expose themselves this way over and over--as anti-freedom, anti-justice, anti-American partisan leftists, not government servants of the people's justice.
If there is a silver lining to all clouds, and the hand of God in all pain and disaster, then this--the EXPOSURE of the hypocrite liberal crooks who persecute Rush by extra-legal means (and millions of others over time who you NEVER hear about--imagine if Rush was a "nobody"?) is the purpose for his addiction and subsequent pain.
God bless you Rush, and thank YOU for suffering for US.
Reply 17 - Posted by: doubting thomas, 2/15/2005 1:05:08 AM
We don't care if Rush sniffed airwick and munched mothballs or whatever, he had back trouble and he has done sane Americans a great service many times over and still at it. Dang dirt digging dumb democrats!
Reply 18 - Posted by: Maybeth, 2/15/2005 6:50:59 AM
I wonder when we will get to see Bubba's medical records ...... you know the ones I mean. Those records were very important in a huge legal matter but were shielded because of the 'doctor~client privilege.' Just ask Paula Jones about that.
Reply 20 - Posted by: TheMotherCO, 2/15/2005 7:17:31 AM
Let me see, people with AIDS are not to be identified when they apply for a job, medical records are carefully guarded. However, some people, like Rush, are supposed to divulge the most personal of treatment without a murmur. To me the protection of medical info and the sanctity of church related confessions or conversations with priest or minister are two absolutes in privacy protection.
I know most of the Presidents reveal their records, but it is not a "must" as we all know. I would guess that the liar needed all the protection he could get and that he was the only president who did not reveal his records.
I hope Rush wins - if you have pain, you have to deal with it, not some lousy prosecutor.
Reply 21 - Posted by: M2, 2/15/2005 8:00:26 AM
Has the statute of limitations run out yet on Ted Kennedy and his negligent homicide of MaryJo Kopechne? How many other crimes has the Kennedy family covered up?
Yet they want to go after Rush on some bogus "doctor shopping" charge? Where is the justice?
Reply 22 - Posted by: golla, 2/15/2005 8:07:32 AM
Didn't this all start with some woman claiming that she peddled the pills to Rush? Whatever happened to her????
Hang in there, Rush.
Reply 24 - Posted by: freedomlover, 2/15/2005 8:38:11 AM
This plays well in Palm Beach Florida where the transplants from NYC still are being treated for PEST. I hope, if Rush's records are allowed to be used, that the state goes after all the druggies in Palm Beach that are illegally buying drugs from Canada, getting perscriptions in both NYC and FL, scamming medicare, etc.
Reply 27 - Posted by: Sunflower, 2/15/2005 9:05:44 AM
I can't understand the interest in Our Rush taking pain pills, he paid for them himself, not welfare or medicaid, bought only in Fla. didn't use prescriptions from NY and Fla. as another poster mentioned, like they Voted in NY and Fla, check that out DA. Florida has enough child molestors, welfare children abused/missing and they focus on Rush. And the Baseball league can't check players for steroids, but they follow Rush around, only because he bashes the scum suckin' bottom feeders who continue to bash President Bush. That's all this is about. When slick willies medical records come out, hanoi heinz kerry signs the Form 180 to show the Illegal Medals he received, we will believe Justice is being served, not reading Rushs' Medical records. Beware all, we will be next!!!!!
Reply 28 - Posted by: Harmony1, 2/15/2005 9:15:25 AM
More Prosecutors and Judges trying to MAKE the LAW, not interpret it. This is WRONG and I hope RUSH ends up owning the lower half of Florida!
The more the Liberals try to bring down RUSH, the more Conservatives will encourage others to listen to his Radio Show. RUSH IS RIGHT!
Reply 30 - Posted by: Sunflower, 2/15/2005 9:22:07 AM
This is pure RAT Politics, driven by vitriolic hatred for Rush and us Republicans, who believe in him whole-heartedly. Where are our Pajamadeen Heroes, get on this please, like the good job you did on blather-gate, eason jordan, who like slick willie, couldn't handle the action going on in his jeans, and the genes in his brain?????
Reply 32 - Posted by: pewman2, 2/15/2005 9:35:01 AM
i know a sheriff and a minister that got hooked on oxycontin as a result of back problems. one was suffering from a football injury the other from a car wreck.
there ought to be some understanding for anyone racked with such pain.
ill lay you odds that no jury in florida will vote to imprison rush.
Reply 33 - Posted by: Bill W, 2/15/2005 9:40:49 AM
The Swimmer killed a girl, and got less hassle then Rush is getting.
Reply 39 - Posted by: MMC, 2/15/2005 12:11:15 PM
I think it is high time we see Bill Clinton's medical record.
Reply 41 - Posted by: MMC, 2/15/2005 2:31:09 PM
Right, even a summary of medical information is more than was given under the Clinton's. I don't think this heart condition just happened in the last 4 years...and I bet the 'knee' surgery down in Florida was something else...
The old cane was only a gimmick for about, oh...a week. I am sure he rehabbed that one real well.....
Reply 42 - Posted by: Jackie, 2/15/2005 2:46:16 PM
ROFL #41.I have said from the very first day, he (slick)had a certain "kink" taken care of. Didn't want Paula to have the proof. I bet there was no record made of it either. I wonder if the Dr. is in good health. LOL..
Reply 46 - Posted by: Nan, 2/15/2005 5:49:11 PM
If he was a democrat it would be a different story. We all know they are attempting to railroad Rush in order to get him off the air. The harder they push, the more those that listen to and love Rush will continue to listen.