Last week in Lawrence, Kansas a group calling itself "Datar & Associates" did polling on issues like gay marriage. Datar is actually Data Targeting, Inc. out of Gainesville, Florida. Come to find out Data Targeting, Inc. is in bed with state realtor associations to make sure Development-Friendly (including members of the RRR) candidates get elected on LOCAL LEVELS! The upcoming elections are for city commissioners and school board members.
from: about 15 paragraphs down:
Last year Data Targeting and Orlando (a realty business),
formed a another for-profit subsidiary called Orracle, a joint venture with Data Targeting Inc. of Gainesville, Fla., to create a political management system that can be used with equal success by professional organizations, trade associations, committees, political parties, and candidates.
Orracle is a sophisticated data mining product that helps forecast how individual voters feel about certain hot-button issues and how they are likely to vote. In its three years on the market, it has generated outstanding results at the polls and begun to pay back the association's nearly $200,000 start-up investment, says Jennings. Numbered among its current clients are the Kansas and Nebraska associations as well as the Lexington-Bluegrass, Raleigh and Pinellas Sun-coast associations."from:***end of snip***
Any information on this group or groups being posted here would be appreciated. The owner of Data Targeting is Pat Bainter. According to he is a Bush donor. A really scary ad on the Nebraska Realtors page said,
Who knows elections better than the state of Florida? Pat Bainter, President of Data Targeting, Inc. in Gainesville, Florida will provide political affairs training as he describes the Top Five Mistakes Campaigns Make. Bainter has a tremendous track record of success in Florida politics and has worked nationally on ballot issues and federal campaigns. source: bottom line: These guys are in bed with the local developers and they are trying to capitalize on wedge issues (state, national and local) to tailor their Manchurian candidates' messages. Then they takeover, using GOP tactics, in blue areas.
A recent defense of one of this "stealth" candidates on a local forum used some interesting words (bear in mind this city went 60% K/E). They are trying to find a way to appeal to the anti-Bush people.
Local: Bracciano's the Real Deal Thursday, 2/10/05, at 4:02 p.m.
I'm a former Kansan (trapped in Florida), but am still interested in how things are going, so I check back occasionally.
Heard/saw a few (negative) things about Tom Bracciano's run for the city commission and wanted to offer my two cents.
I've known Tom for almost ten years, and he's the real deal. When he says he'll listen, he means it, when he says he's interested in improving the community, he means that too.
I can't vote in Kansas (now that I've voted in Florida I'm forever changed), but if I could, I'd vote Bracciano. I'd encourage anyone whose really interested in seeing significant grass-roots progress to give him your consideration, if not your vote. He's just plain good people and I know he'll do a great job... source:;read=10085