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My Best Friend's Evil Idea: Lobby FOR Farming Subsidy Cuts in Red States!

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Edgewater_Joe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 12:03 AM
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My Best Friend's Evil Idea: Lobby FOR Farming Subsidy Cuts in Red States!
So I was touching base with my normally super-cynical best friend out in L.A. over the weekend, grousing about the sad state of the union, when talk got to the budget. When the issue of all the cuts was broached, he told me about something he did that was so evil and yet so poetically just, I thought I'd start it here in the hopes of starting a new movement.

As we talked about the social service cuts, he snarled, "That's why I called my congresswoman and told her to keep the farm subsidy cuts in the budget. The red states deserve it!"

And y'know something ... I think he has a point.

I mean, if we have to tighten the budget in order to better fight the ter-rists on their own home soil, what better way to do it than to insist that Congress make those who suppport the war the most support the war the most? Plus, since we all know farming subsidies are basically done so farmers don't have to work, we would not only be helping the general treasury, but promoting the kind of bootstrapping work ethic that Repunks supposedly espouse so much better than we weak-assed Dems.

So I say, call your congressperson! Insist that any and all subsidies should be cut and cut IMMEDIATELY from Bush's budget - and even expanded! Tell 'em to make that a bargaining chip to try and protect some other programs! And, in the process, if a red state farmer or two suddenly wakes up and realizes that it's the Repunks that are gutting his ability to feed his family and he gets so angry he'll change his vote to the other party ...

... well, every action has a consequence, don't it?

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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 12:07 AM
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1. red necks from red states...
...can have all the red ink slashed through their most cherished sacred budget cows. You're right-- there's a great deal of poetic justice in that. Even here, in California, the counties most affected by this are among the most deeply republican. I wonder what Ahnold thinks?
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nothingshocksmeanymore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 12:17 AM
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4. Arnold's busy blaming his budget woes on Washington DC
guess nobody told him congress which has been SOLIDLY repub since 94 appropriates.
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SoCalifer Donating Member (652 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 12:13 AM
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Y'know, I think he has a very good point too..

Thanks for post that Edgewater_Joe.

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CindyDale Donating Member (941 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 12:14 AM
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3. Why not boycott food?
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