FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 16, 2005 CONTACT: Brendan Daly/Jennifer Crider 202-226-7616 Pelosi, House Democrats Unveil Jobs and Prosperity Plan as Part of the New Partnership for America’s Future
Washington, D.C. – Today House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, joined by Congressmen James Oberstar (D-MN) and George Miller (D-CA), unveiled legislative proposals to promote prosperity and job growth as part of the House Democrats’ New Partnership for America’s Future. Below are Pelosi’s remarks:
“Last fall, House Democrats unveiled our New Partnership for America’s Future, which reaffirms our commitment to six core American values for a strong and secure middle class: prosperity, national security, fairness, opportunity, community, and accountability.
“Today, Democrats are putting forward specific steps to expand prosperity, to provide all Americans with the opportunity to succeed, to live a secure and comfortable life including good jobs here at home, affordable health care, a growing economy with stable prices, investments in new technologies, and fiscal responsibility in government.
“Yesterday, some disturbing job figures came out. The Commerce Department said that retail sales decreased a seasonably adjusted .3 percent last month and the New York Federal Reserve reported a slowdown in manufacturing activity.
“Today on the front page of the USA Today was a story about laid-off workers struggling to find work: ‘Hunt often discouraging, expensive and lengthy.’
“With nearly 8 million Americans unemployed, the need to create jobs is urgent. It takes significantly longer to find a job today than in years past, as this article attests to, and too many people have simply given up hope and given up their search. Too many people are trading in hard hats for paper hats in McDonald’s restaurants. It just shouldn’t be.
“Today, House Democrats are putting forth specific steps to achieve a prosperity that includes all Americans in the economic success of our country. By creating millions of new jobs, spurring innovation, and investing in America, we will advance economic security for America’s families.”