There was a link to this press release on Re the statement:
"the average family income of Maryland’s employees who would benefit from a minimum wage increase to $6.15 is over $67,000 a year. Why? Because fully 91% of employees whose wages would be increased by this proposal
either live with working parents or another relative, live alone, or have a working spouse."
How does living alone on less than $6.15 per hour get you to an average $67.000 per year? Also, what about all the people who need to move in with Mom or Sis so that they're not homeless ?
Who will really benefit from Maryland's Minimum wage hike?
2/10/05, Annapolis – The Employment Policies Institute (EPI) testified today before the Maryland State Senate Finance Committee on the negative economic consequences of raising the state minimum wage to $6.15 per hour. EPI will present figures from the U.S. Census Bureau which show that the vast majority of the benefits of such an increase will not reach its intended target--Maryland’s low-income working families.
An analysis of data compiled by the Bureau’s Current Population Survey shows that
the average family income of Maryland’s employees who would benefit from a minimum wage increase to $6.15 is over $67,000 a year. Why? Because fully 91% of employees whose wages would be increased by this proposal either live with working parents or another relative, live alone, or have a working spouse.
Just 9% of beneficiaries will be sole earners in families with children, and each of these sole earners has access to supplemental income through the federal and state earned income tax credit (EITC). Research from Michigan State University and the Federal Reserve found that the EITC is far more efficient at actually helping those in poverty than an increase in the minimum wage.
“The proposed minimum wage increase is a poorly targeted attempt to help Maryland’s low income working families,” said EPI’s director of research, Craig Garthwaite. “The vast majority of benefits will not go to poor families and the majority of poor families will not receive a benefit.”
Maryland employees affected by proposed $6.15 minimum wage:
· 41% of minimum wage earners live with a parent or relative · 25% of minimum wage earners are a dual earner in a married couple · 25% of minimum wage earners are a single earner with no kids · Just 9% of minimum wage earners are single parents with kids or a single earner in a couple with kids, and each of these sole earners has access to supplemental income through the EITC.
For a graphic representation of this data or to see figures for other states, visit