Bare with me if this because this is long. I'm trying to bring out the huricane in my mind with fingers and a computer.
I am a mammal who loves the earth, social progress, justice, and a blend of rebellion/respect towards authority and institutions. I am a libertarian when it comes to personal rights, a true progressive about civil rights and justice, and very pragmatic economically. I think America is perhaps the best government of all time, now that we have equal rights for women and minorities. I say this knowing that nobody is born into this world from scratch--that corruption and deceit is a natural sociological event to our species, and that while we are far, far from perfect, we as a nation have progressed incredibly, and when compared to history, at an astonishing pace. We are the best ever, but only if we continue to improve.
It took a complete takeover of every check and balance we possess for this state of emergency to occur. The Supreme Court, the House, the Senate, the President*, and the Fourth Estate--are all completely corrupt where it matters most--in their end result. We are on the verge of losing our entire democracy, and barreling toward a destruction of our species, all species, and the earth. Since Bush* was selected, we have lost almost everything. I personally did everything I could to stop the war, including anonymous civil disobedience. It is and was a moral/economic/strategic/metaphysical/environmental abomination and BushCo must end up imprisoned, preferably for life.
In short, this 2004 election is life or death. It is make or break time for our strange collection of glands and molecules and hugs and sunsets, horses, grins, and tail-less apes.
I have sent money to Howard Dean and supported him while reading about the other candidates and avoiding the slams by dems on dems. I love Howard Dean, he is a historical figure and his honest rhetoric about BushCo and the war changed the entire campaign, and gave me a voice beyond my own. But I now do not believe he could beat George W. Bush--not because he should not, but because our media will not reform by the election and he has been destroyed by them and the other democratic candidates. By being the focus target of everybody for 5 months, he has taken one for the team. Rove and the media will be hard pressed to demonize anybody else thoroughly with the months remaining. I repeat: I love Howard Dean and he took one for the team, so please show some respect. I will never speak ill of this man and once the nomination is done, I do not expect to read garbage about him here at DU, or anything like that toward his supporters. He is already a historical figure and the new grassroots movement he created is vital to creating a Progressive Democratic Party and it will prove to be largely transferable. The same people who, like me, were drawn to Howard Dean, also understand that BushCo Part II = death. The movement will transfer because these remarkable patriots know that BushCo, like the pharoahs, want to bury us in the tomb with them.
This brings me to John Kerry. I was rooting for him until the IWR, after which I disregarded him completely, where previously he was my favorite horse in the race. I will not get into the hows and whys of that vote, but as someone who lost a great deal psychologically by the invasion of Iraq and knew a 19 year old boy who died there, I am satisfied with him in this regard. It is no longer an issue for me. However, if John has the nomination in hand by my Pennsylvania primary, I will vote for Dennis Kucinich so that his absolute truth about Iraq is represented at the convention. But my energies are now 100% behind John Kerry, while never speaking ill of any of the other candidates (except Joe, who is a Republican) here or anywhere.
I am also well read in the group called Skull and Bones. After hearing of them while researching Shrub, I dug into it and read like crazy, including reading in spring 2002 the definitive book by Antony Sutton. I had no idea John was a member and what I read matched what I had seen while working directly for plutocrats in NYC. At least 75% of its members are absolute nightmares and John was a member. This, to me, is trumped by John's volunteering to go to Vietnam, suffering 3 wounds, then returning to spend 3 years ending it, then exposing Iran-Contra at great personal cost, all the while possessing the best understanding of the environment I have ever heard from a member of our government. I believe when he is elected he will bring the BCCI to justice and perhaps even bring justice against the Bush Family for their decades of criminality. So for Skull and Bones, even if John is part of their geopolitically sociopathic fascist script, even if if all of our government is a script, this man's role in it is the best I've ever seen. Even if its all an act, I choose John as my actor. And after a year of pondering and reading, my heart thinks it may take a Bonesman to end the Bonesmen's run of our nation, and that John Kerry is that man and that he is a good and honorable human being.
But most importantly, Kerry can not lose to Bush. Even if Bush gets 5% of the vote through black box voting and his racist Florida protocol (which is spreading to at least 17 more states), Kerry will beat him because democrats will vote for his record and his three Purple Hearts will get him the independents and his physical stature and attractiveness will also help tremendously (just a fact of life, y'all). I expect him to choose Edwards or Clark to run with him, but even if his VP choice isn't inspired, he can get the necessary 56% and necessary states. He cannot lose. No way in fucking hell.
Also, he is our only chance to invent ourselves out of the beginning Peak Oil crisis. He is brilliant and a fighter whose Viet Nam credentials will make him an enormously difficult figure to demonize beyond the freeper base. Most Americans will love him. And I agree that he can start immediately from the first second he becomes President. I want him at the wheel because we need him at the wheel. Between Peak Oil, the covert criminal mobster wing of the CIA and the prison/military industrial machine, the pending rise of independent robot intelligence (I work at Carnegie Mellon University...god, you don't know how close we are to either 1. talking about robot civil rights or 2. the Terminator...10 years away tops) and saving our planet.
In closing, here are links that say it better than I ever could. Thank you to all the John Kerry supporters here at DU. Please win graciously, all the while exposing the BFEE. You, as a group, are remarkable. Thanks again.
Thanks for reading this. Peace and progress to all.
With love,
eric sisak