With CNN and PsyOps www.counterpunch.org/cnnpsyops.html it never made the airwaves of MSM.
With Operation Mockingbird: CIA and Media Manipulation
http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.htmlonly the alternative media and internet get the story. Why won't MSM touch this ?
I'm placing a bet here on DU. I think it will be soon. They can't hide this under the mattress any longer...Gannon, Guckert or whatever his name is, along with the Plame outing, if the CIA is doing stupid stuff overseas that's one thing; but if they're doing really stupid stuff DOMESTICALLY that's the ultimate NO NO and even if there is an Intelligence Identities Protection Act
http://foi.missouri.edu/bushinfopolicies/protection.htmlthere has to be an exception for domestic screw-ups that compromise the very Constitution the intelligence community is sworn to defend !
If Gannon/Guckert was working for the CIA or PsyOps in the military in order to sway public opinion WE NEED TO KNOW IT.