When Iran and Syria announced that they would act as a "united front" yesterday, this seemed to cause Lame Duck to back off a bit today.
The administration can posture all it likes, but it has few resources to really take on two more Islam-based countries without causing an entire explosion in the ME -- including a complete cessation of oil production.
We don't have sufficient manpower to effectively handle the rising counter-insurgency in Iraq. At this point, various news stories are citing the new supplemental funding request for Iraq/Afghanistan as saying that less than 5% of the necessary Iraqi forces have been trained. Rumsfeld even admitted today that these are "battle-hardened" people who will move into other countries.
Several major countries have been forming alliances to counter the US' foreign policies -- such as China, Russia, India, Venezuela, and Iran. Europe is taking notice. OUR stances are a direct cause and effect.
There is strong supposition that Israel is the only one who stood to gain from a clandestine bombing in Lebanon -- mostly to throw public blame and censor onto Syria. Syria stood little to gain over the bombing.
If the US bombs or invades either Iran or Syria, expect a worldwide uprising against it with a huge increase in terrorist-type attacks and a generalized mobilization of jihadists converging into the ME. Expect all OPEC nations to react strongly in order to serve their own interests as they are already on the firing line of jihadist groups. They will have to sever ties to the US or cut oil production to keep from falling into their own civil wars.