Perle defended the Iraq war with a tired line about the intelligence being the best available blah blah blah that even he didn't sound like he believed. Of course, it's hard to sound too convincing when you're dodging a shoe thrown at you by an audience member screaming "Motherfucking liar."
The highlight of the night came in the phase of the debate when panelists were invited to ask questions. Perle had just spoken for a while, trashing the Dems on national security as usual. The panel then asked Dean an unrelated question. Before responding to that question, the Good Doctor said to Perle something like "Before I respond I want to say that Richard has attempted to do something that I'm not going to let him get away with, and that is frame the debate. As chairman I don't intend to let them continue to frame the debate." Be still my beating heart. You could almost hear Luntz sighing in dismay and Lakoff sighing in relief.
Then, even better, only a few feet further on I came across the Doctor surrounded by a small crowd of well-wishers. I said "Governor, may I shake your hand," rendered the question moot by sticking my hand out at him, and received a firm handshake for my troubles. Chairman Dean looked right at me and said "Thank you." No, thank you.