Dear FedCURE Members and Friends:
FedCURE is responding to the many of you who have contacted us this past year asking what you can do to help get the bill to Revive the System of Parole for Federal Prisoners (H.R. 4036) passed into law. What we need right now! Is for all of you to help build our contact database.
Please send to: as many names and e-mail addresses of people you know that we can contact during FedCURE's upcoming campaign to pass the bill to Revive the System of Parole for Federal Prisoners into law.
Originally, H.R. 4036 was introduced to the 108th Congress on 25 March 2004, by U.S. Rep. Danny Davis (D) of Illinois. It died in committee with the outgoing of the 108th Congress. Since the bills introduction FedCURE established a two phase campaign and has been advocating heavily in favor of this legislation. Phase I: Public awareness and fundraising. During this time, FedCURE had its convention, this past June, in Washington, DC, where FedCURE's Executive Committee, Rep. Danny Davis and his point persons on legislative affairs, made amendments to H.R. 4036 and the bill was sent to the legislative counsel for rewrite.
Subsequently, FedCURE made further amendments during January and February 2005. As of this date a discussion draft has been issued by the house legislative counsel covering all of these amendments and we are in the final scoring up process. FedCURE will publish the final version upon completion. You all will be very pleased!
We are now gearing up for Phase II of the campaign: Very soon, Rep. Davis and his co-sponsors, will be resubmitting the bill to the new 109th Congress; and FedCURE will mount a full scale campaign to the community urging them to contact congressional members to support this legislation. In preparation thereof, we are requesting our membership and friends to help build our contact database. The more names and e-mail addresses you send in, the larger the contact database and the more potential for support. This is a community effort. Please help!
Kindly send all names and addresses offlist to:
Do not send to the group address.
We need funds to do this work. You can make regular donations to FedCURE at: and select the 'DONATE" button.
Warmest and Best Regards:
Mark A. Varca, J.D., CIO
P.O. Box 15667
Plantation, Florida 33318-5667