from dailykos ... I found this so hilarious lol The thread is really excellent with some great research. you already have this? Just got it off Lexis Nexis:
The Hartford Courant Company
Hartford Courant (Connecticut)
March 19, 2001 Monday
Take This Snow Job And Shove It
Tony Snow, an anchor for "Fox News Sunday," has lost his column on, an e-zine for Republicans, after his bosses at the network objected.
Snow, a one-time speechwriter for President Bush the First, rejected Fox News' demand that he stop writing for the website, but Fox had better luck with Creators Syndicate, which agreed to stop providing the column to GOPUSA.
Snow's conservatism is no secret. He makes it plain in a nationally syndicated newspaper column, which appears occasionally in The Courant.
But the glaring partisanship of GOPUSA was too much for officials at Fox News, which has been sensitive to charges of favoring the Republicans.
According to a report in Newsday, this wasn't the first time Snow's Republican leanings have embarrassed the network. He spoke to a group of college students from the stage at the Republican National Convention last
Bobby Eberle, co-founder of GOPUSA, complained about Fox's action in an article on the website Thursday.
"Tony Snow is a conservative. All you have to do is read his work and know his background to know where he stands philosophically. So my question is this: Who did Fox think was going to run Tony Snow's columns? A bunch of Libs???" Eberle wrote.
He concluded by asking readers to help him choose a replacement columnist.
Think about it: GOPUSA was too conservative for FOXFUCKINGNEWS!
But not the White House. Unbelievable.
by Earl on Sat Feb 19th, 2005 at 12:02:41 PST