Edited on Sun Feb-20-05 03:45 PM by DemocracyInaction
gay infestation, Jesus' a comin' shit is being right now, as we speak, designed to be the battle cry of the mid-term elections?? You know it's being prepared. You know it's being planned. You know the building blocks are being placed. You know that these shit-for-brain citizens of this country will be all liquored up on it by the time they go to the polls November of '06. What is it???
Not too sure it's a handy-dandy invasion because even the tear-jerking, flag-waiving, terrified of terrorists and more terrified of gays, Jesus' a comin' freaks are mumblin' and pissin' as the boys come home and tell them what a pit Iraq is (not to mention they are getting worked up because we are bankrupt over this present camping trip and running out of warriors to fight endless war without a draft--and they are afeared if it happens, their SS and Medicare might end up being flushed because we "won't be able to afford it" all).
Howard: please get some sort of flag-wavin', tear-jerkin' (you know the drill) meat thrown out there on our OWN BBQ, pleeeeeeeeeease so that we can attack rather than react!!!