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Gay prostitutes in the White House? Ok....teenagers having sex? OMG! NO

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Roland99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 11:56 AM
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Gay prostitutes in the White House? Ok....teenagers having sex? OMG! NO
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Rabrrrrrr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 12:09 PM
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1. Well, it WAS five to one, AND it's a private school AND they did it
in the locker room.

I don't see how this is related to the Gannon story at all, so that reference isn't very relevant.

If it was one guy, off school property, then all the power to both of 'em. Or if it was a public school, I'd want a lesser penalty.

Sad thing is, these kids might end up on trial and doing jail time for something that is, really, quite innocuous, and totally within the bounds of standard teenage behavior.

Should they have known better? Sure they should have.

I feel sad for them, though. But on the other hand, they're hockey players, and knowing the God-like status we put on kids who play sports, I wouldn't be surprised if it was coercive - even if not direct peer pressure, coercive in the sense that the girl would feel honored to blow such wondrous human beings and would get some glory from that! Like the women who think they're street cred goes up for sleeping with Michael Jordan or a rock star or something. PFagh.

I also found it interesting that the article writer felt the need to mention that Clinton spoke there two years ago. Obviously, the kids getting hummers is a direct result of that evil Clinton having been on campus. God knows no one in that school ever got a hummer before.
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Bluzmann57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 12:12 PM
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2. Speaking as a father of a young lady
I most certainly wouldn'thave wanted my daughter to perform oral sex on a group of boys when she was 15, or even now for that matter. 15 is too damn young and those boys should be charged with a crime if they forced her to do that. I feel the expulsion is warranted.
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