Edited on Mon Feb-21-05 08:47 PM by independentchristian
..."the audacity of these guys to come over here in our faces and talk to us like we are as ignorant as most people in their country. We know that they went into Iraq because of Saddam Hussein switching his oil and his oil reserves over from dollars, to our currency, the euro. That's why we European countries that are all about the Euro, unlike Britain and Italy which is run by an idiot rebel like Silvio Berlusconi who thought he was going to profit from the adventure, did not support the U.S. operation in Iraq to topple Hussein and switch his oil back to dollars from Euros, which you all did in June 2003. It's also why we will never support you all going into Iran in order to prevent them from starting their Euro-denominated oil trading bourse.
Look at that idiot standing up there going through the motions so that his press can give him favorable coverage. Yeah, we know what's going on and we are not stupid enough to believe anything that comes out of his mouth, but we are Europe, and we are passive, so although we know all of this, that's why we allowed him to come over here."
And I'm not pro-Europe by any means, but this must be what they were thinking listening to Bush.