Some rumors about Bush, about as true as what spews forth from the bushies. it's about time they got back what they've given; you know, what goes around comes around. ===================================================================== Have you wondered whatever became of that "Mission Accomplished" banner that graced the USS Abraham Lincoln the day Bush co-piloted a fighter plane onto its deck. Rumor has it that it was given as a gift by Karl Rove to his holiness George the Stupid, to be kept in the Bush boudoir. Every time George and his wife successfully get together for a liaison, Georgie spreads out the Mission Accomplished banner across their King-size(of course) bed. It may be true that Rove had a capital E added to the banner in front of Mission Accomplished, and that the prez hasn't noticed it. By his own admission, he doesn't read much. ===================================================================== Remember that furor about George's National Guard service, and how he didn't serve the time he was obligated to, and where did he disappear to for several months during that period. So where was George when he was supposed to be serving his National Guard service. Well, rumor has it(and there is almost guaranteed to be no truth to this) that he was off in Charleston, having a hot affair with a beautiful black lady of Cuban origin. Not only that, but they had a daughter,who now works at the White House. She's named Strombetta Martinez, in honor of the late Mr. Thurmond. George's flame kept mum on this subject for many years, and only recently has exerted some of her accrued capital by demanding that George appoint some blacks and Hispanics and women to posts of importance. Can this be so? =====================================================================