Vermont Phoenix, some tributes to Howard Dean from Vermonters.
This is the homepage on which I found these great links, just to give credit to this person, David Budbill there he links to the THE JUDEVINE MOUNTAIN EMAILITE: A Cyberzine
An On-line and On-going Journal of Politics and Opinion.
This is the February Issue from 2005, and various Vermonters respond with their knowledge and appreciation and sometimes disagreements with their former governor. No matter their thoughts, there is a common thread of respect.
"What is clear in the pieces below is that Howard Dean is a doggedly determined, focused person with an iron will who can and will jump gladly into what seem like impossible situations. Howard Dean is an honest, blunt--sometimes brutally blunt, straight-forward man with a real vision for the Democratic party--not one concocted by focus groups and opinion polls. As David Rocchio says, below, "Howard Dean is a Teddy Roosevelt in a world of Karl Roves." It is also clear that Howard Dean is a quick study. He is someone who can and does learn from past mistakes, and who is willing to adapt and change his tactics, while not changing or watering down his vision.
Dean's biggest problem now that he is Chairman of the DNC is not going to be the Republicans, but, rather, the inside-the-beltway Democrats. Dean's victory was a genuine coup. This upstart populist stole the chairmanship right out from under the noses of the Democratic establishment power brokers. He was able to do this because American Democrats, those of us outside the beltway, were furious, and still are, with the way the DNC bungled two presidential elections with their willingness to compromise and water down core Democratic values and with their desperate attempts to become Karl Rove wannabees.
Now, for the first time in years, the Democratic Party, led by Howard Dean, the Vermont Phoenix, has someone who can take it and us into the future....."My favorite is this one:
by Dirk VanSusteren.
"I am an unabashed Howard Dean fan. And it's not because he is a liberal or conservative (as some of the very liberal Democrats in Vermont would argue). But I like him because of the excitement and clarity he brings to American politics. I think as DNC chair he will do the job of raising money for the party, recruiting candidates, getting younger people involved in the political process and articulating "Democratic" values on the Sunday morning news programs. All this will be important for his party, but
I also think it will strengthen the two-party system in general, which has worked quite well for this country. In his presidential campaign he showed flashes of liberal populism; and the more he continues as DNC chair to promote populist values in his party, the more clearly the Democrats will distinguish themselves from the Republicans, and the more likely American voters will have real choices when they vote. So, Dean, as a spokesman for his party, will force people--Democrats and Republicans alike--to think: which is a good thing....."
Vermont cartoonist Tim Newcomb penned this prophetic drawing on November 15, 2004, just 12 days after the election.
Copyright © 2004 Tim Newcomb