This issue should be the centerpiece (and is pretty much, of course) of the finally, finally developing Democratic "Refusal to Go Along." These people are showing their real faces now, and it can't be pretended any more that they are moderates, or misunderstood, or for "family values," or that we are the fringe extremists--all the games are gone now, and the biggest threat yet is solemnly, grimly revealed. People are now actually scared, who can't fight back against the rich organized forces arrayed now actively against us all, and will turn to Democrats and need them as they maybe never have before. Republicans, as they so often do, stupidly and greedily overplayed their hands, and I believe that , no matter what they do now, they will not win this one. We still need to fight them to end this threat, because as soon as you give up, of course, they will slash your throat.
This fight should not be fucked around with by ad campaigns, or DLC-style anti-Democratic slogans, or market-tested visuals and buzzwords, or "framing" or any of the rest of this crap, because this is all now too serious and important for that. Things have to be stated, explained, made clear, straightforwardly and with a sincerity of purpose everybody understands. Several really great phrases have been used on this thread, and they convey the message that was important to keep getting out: "Republicans are out to steal Social Security from us all"; "They lie, period. Everything they say is a lie"; "Turn the clock back 100 years" and others tell what the facts are, and should be stressed along with quotes from the devils themselves, (such as the cold bastard Newt Gingrich's remark about trying to kill Medicare: "Let it wither on the vine"). We should be angry, fed up with these people and their fucking around with everything. We should make clear--as you actually can now, after the evidence that they themselves now give, of their many recent attempts to rip up the most basic foundations of our whole society, with no concern at all, for anyone--that there is no end to this, if we don't forcibly stop them. You think there is a limit to these people, some basic human decency so that there is a line they will not cross, even with all their greed; but there isn't.
Social Security provides the issue to react to--because it is such a great program, so popular, needed by so many people, and the attack on it is so phony, such evil gratuitous cruelty--but it is only one of many, and if these things are stated honestly, with no phony media-sounding "framing," then maybe the grand-scale, mainstream rebellion against these horrible, treasonous Republicans can finally begin. The truth will finally be unfiltered.