The "liberal bloggers" turned up information about your PROFESSIONAL life as a male prostitute - you advertised your services on the internet by posting full frontal nude photos of yourself and quoting rates of $200 an hour or $1200 for the weekend. That is not PERSONAL, that's a BUSINESS. So stop your whining.
‘I asked to come. They allowed me to come’Access to the White House press room was easy, former reporter Jeff Gannon tells NBC’s Campbell Brown in an exclusive interview
Today show
Updated: 9:09 a.m. ET Feb. 24, 2005
Brown: Did you advertise yourself as a gay, male escort for hire on a Web site?
Gannon: I cannot go into those specifics. I can tell you that there is a lot of misinformation out there. There's a lot of fabrication out there, and a lot of misinformation.
Brown: Why can't you then clear it up right now? The cameras are rolling.
Gannon: As I've said, I've been advised not to get into the specifics out there. Is there some truth out there? Yes. Is there a lot of falsehood out there? Absolutely.
* * * * *
Some might say, how does a guy who works for an obscure, Internet publication, with a background that is linked to Internet porn in some fashion, get into the daily briefings and get to ask the president a question at a news conference?Gannon: I asked to come. They allowed me to come.
And apparently there isn't a very high threshold as far as somebody's personal life to gain access.