It's just unbelievable the level of rightwing propaganda going on right now -- they've long been good at pulling the wool over people's eyes, controlling "the message," convincing people that lies are truth and the truth is lies... But it's becoming even more amazing. I can't help but think how much this is like watching movies and documentaries showing how Germans became convinced to follow Hitler.
Will our great-grandchildren ever fathom how Chimp got into the White House? Will they ever understand how the Swifties got traction? Will they shake their heads in confusion at how 9/11 made people trust the incompetent Chimp more, how people voted for him despite the lies about Iraq, or how opposition to same-sex marriage could even play a role in the election?
And now, it even looks like history will have to explain how people bought into the decimation of Social Security...
WASHINGTON - As Republican lawmakers try to sell folks back home on President Bush's Social Security plan, they are getting help from interest groups that rally supporters to town hall meetings to champion the idea.
"We're at the early stages of this education process and engagement process," Snow said. "We're going to hit this hard. We're going to get the facts out. We're going to ... engage with the American people on the fundamentals of Social Security."
Snow is doing his part this week in Florida, home to millions of the elderly. He plans to campaign for the Bush plan at a pair of Chamber of Commerce events, in interviews on morning and afternoon drive-time radio and with editorial boards of newspapers in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Jacksonville.
Strategists believe the key to winning the congressional debate over Social Security lies in convincing Americans that the existing system is in trouble and change is needed. The goal is to get the people to pressure their representatives in Congress to take action.
Then, as this pressure builds on Congress, backers hope more Republicans and at least some Democrats will support a comprehensive plan, which is likely to include benefit cuts, tax hikes or other painful choices that Bush and his allies gloss over in their speeches.