This is an old article from Global Exchange - we need to realize, as you said, this is the ultimate battle facing us. Many have been engaged in this for a long time - it's time we all join forces against the ultimate enemy of "we the people"!
Controlling corporations and democratizing the world economyOnce upon a time, people believed in the divine right of kings. It was generally accepted that the son or daughter of the King and Queen would be the next ruler.
When "radicals" started pushing the idea that the people should select who governs them, these heretics were at first scorned. But as mass education spread, more and more people realized that it is far more sensible to have the people choose their leaders than to leave it to heredity.
The history of democratic governance is a history of this principle gradually spreading to more of the world's population. At first, it was only wealthy males who were allowed to vote. Gradually the franchise was extended to the excluded groups (e.g., women and ex-slaves) as the principle of universal political rights sunk its roots into civic culture.
Now we are in the early stages of a global revolution that could make previous democratic revolutions look like mere warm-ups for the real contest. All across the planet, people are beginning to see through a big myth: that the world is divided neatly into a political realm (where democracy is accept able) and an economic realm (where dictatorship by the rich prevails). In various ways and in many different cultures, people are expanding the definition of democracy by asserting their rights to control the activity of corporations.
The struggle to democratize the economy has grown more urgent as global corporations have greatly expanded their power and shown that they cannot be trusted to provide , decent jobs or protect the environment.
Within the movement to democratize the economy there is a key problem: there are many fingers and no fist. Most groups working to democratize corporations are employing a particular tactic (e.g., boycotts, shareholder resolutions, challenging corporate charters), or they focus on a particular corporation or industry, or they are limited to a particular country or region. We need to figure out how to unify these many efforts, so the power of our numbers will be felt by those who own most of the wealth and exert so much undue control over our lives and the life of the planet.
ConclusionThe ultimate goal of all this activity is not just better behavior by those in power. We want to change the rules of the game so the system will equalize wealth globally, rather than creating greater inequality as is currently the case. If we can unify the movement and increase the size and sophistication of our efforts, we will be able to democratize the economy and bring corporations under control. See the back side of this page for specific ways you can get involved.
What can be done?There are many good organizations working to democratize aspects of the global economy. Here are some areas of reform and groups that deserve your support: