The twelve page report on USA Next-- release/e-mail---
(Matt Stoller) A few weeks ago, we commissioned a research report on the funders of the Social Security privatization scheme. Our researcher went through the public tax records of every group involved in this right-wing scheme, and is writing a report on who's doing this and who's funding it. We're releasing the first installment today, on USA Next.
It appears that USA Next, the front group for Social Security privatization, was really just a junk mail and spam operation in disguise to benefit Richard Viguerie in the 1990s. It appears that it engaged mostly in scaring up donations from conservative activists before becoming a corporate shell for pharmaceutical industry and energy industry money and lobbying.
- "The United Seniors Association burst onto the political scene full grown from Richard Viguerie's head in 1992 with a piece of "fright mail" headlined "All the Social Security Trust Fund Money Is Gone!" and requesting a donation to support United Senior's efforts to "insure the rights and benefits of America's seniors are protected." It raised millions in its first year of operation, only to plow that money back into Viguerie's direct mail operations, renting mailing lists, paying "letter writers, printers, mailers and other subcontractors, always including Mr. Viguerie himself." Paying for direct mail was literally United Seniors' charitable purpose.
- "Viguerie founded the group in 1991 to assume the debt of an earlier, 1990, Viguerie creation, the for-profit Retired Americans Legislative Lobby, Inc."
- "In 1993, United Seniors would receive $5.3 million in donations, only to plow more than $4.2 million back into fund raising mail."
- "In 1995, United Seniors endorsed "privatizing" Medicare. United Seniors worked closely with the House Republican Leadership to support the Contract with America, defund the Legal Services Corporation, and provide a "conservative alternative" to the AARP. United Seniors went so far as to produce a cable call-in television show to promote Republican Medicare reform.13 And its direct mail campaign continued, with letters marked "Urgent -- Very Important Information about your Social Security, Medicare Benefits" going out across the country, requesting donations, 50 percent of which contractually went straight to Viguerie."