...bullshit. i thought this board was about democratic values and tolerance. seems that of late everything is "gay this" and "lesbian that". WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK WHO GANNON OR CONDI OR WHOMEVER IS SLEEPING WITH?!?!?!
yes, i understand... the republican double standard. well shit. if we can't slam these people for their tendencies towards illegalities, lying, etc. then we ARE in a worse state than i ever could imagine.
the gannon scandal should be about the fact that this administration is manipulating the press and breaking the rules left and right. and that the msm is ignoring this fact (since they are complicit). sure, gannon being a prostitute is certainly icing on the cake but who really cares if he is gay or not. we shouldn't. it makes us, and this board, look like a bunch of goddamned homophobes and i, for one, am pretty fucking sick of it.
is rice a lesbian? who gives a rat's ass. what i do know is that she is a LIAR, she FAILED in her duty to protect this country, and for this, she was promoted by perhaps the most corrupt "president" in the history of this nation. these are the issues on which we should focus our attention not idiotic threads questioning her sexual proclivities. sure, if she were doing something illegal (like molesting collies) then that would be something of interest. we should let a consenting adult do whatever she wants to whomever (consenting adult) she wants and leave that out of any and all discussion. until we do, we are not much better than the shithead, gay-bashing repukes we hold ourselves above.
seriously. </rant>