Get over to "DU Editorials" and read this really amazing article. It took courage to write it...don't miss it... Here's a snip and the DU link......didn't want anyon to miss this!
The U.S. Will Lose the War in Iraq -- Material Necessity and Divining What is True
"The United States needs to lose the war in Iraq as soon as possible. Even more urgently, the whole world needs the United States to lose the war in Iraq. What is at stake now is the way we run the world for the next generation or more, and really bad things will happen if we get it wrong" (Gwynne Dyer, Future Tense: The Coming World Order, McClelland & Stewart, ISBN: 0771029780, 2005).
February 25, 2005 -- As challenging as this statement must seem to religiously patriotic people, it can be even further extended by saying that the United States WILL lose the war in Iraq and the war on "evil" and terrorism in the world. This is not meant to imply that "evil" and terrorism will prevail. It is meant to imply that a good fight requires two belligerents and that it will be the people who ultimately prevail, not U.S. capitalism and not Islamic terrorism.
Under the administration of George W. Bush, of course, the U.S. will get it wrong. Of that, the world can be certain, simply because the Bush administration hasn't gotten anything right yet, not on the domestic front or on the global front. Major events in cultural evolution are "set," determined by preceding events and our interpretation of those events and their causation. Isaac Newton was not inevitable. But the discovery of deductive thought in moving up from Greek inductive thought was inevitable.