Losses at Home Appease Protesters?
Editor, Times-Dispatch: As many of our citizens did, I watched George Bush be sworn in as President for his second term. I watched the entire spectacle -- parade and all. I saw the protesters, with some amazement as I noted how young most of them were. I saw some posters calling the President a liar, and all posters seemed to be protesting the war we are in. I was amazed: Don't people read the papers or listen to the news?
Of course we are at war -- a war we did not start. The first blow in recent memory in this centuries-old war was the first attempt to blow up the World Trade Center. I am not sure of the exact date, but it was in the Nineties. We were upset -- at least President Clinton seemed upset -- but no one did anything.
We had the members and staff of our embassy in Iran held captive for 444 days; no real action was taken then.
This is a religious war, and it has been going on for centuries. Spain was held for centuries and mainland Europe was attacked over and over, usually through Turkey. The hordes of the invaders were turned back and defeated outside Tours, in France.
Our losses in the present war are small, compared with real battle losses. We have an option -- we can bring all our people back to this country and face the future with raids continuing on our own country, accept the losses, and maybe the protesters will accept these losses and be happy.
Bush is doing what has to be done. Robert J. Schnell. richmond.