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Multi-term gov...1000's of appearances tried before/after Iowa

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cthrumatrix Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 07:27 AM
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Multi-term gov...1000's of appearances tried before/after Iowa
Edited on Thu Jan-22-04 07:28 AM by cthrumatrix
This Dean media assisination is not just post Iowa.
* They smeared him with multi-year old comments on Iowa caucus comments.

* They portrayed him as angry the whole time which initially clost the gap in the polls.....relentless reports.

* And now Dean gives them a window of opportunity and the repug drive media want to do away with Dean.

How many public appearances and speeches has Dean won. How many tapes are there of him in previous campaigns - in which he hasn't lost in 21 yrs.

He is excellent on issues...has a track record of his word...speaks out for the's a crook a crook...and has energized the Democratic base like no other Dem in the race.

His endorsements are not from : Gore, Bradley, Richards, Harkin etc...
His funding and grass root efforts have been a media sensation.

But forget accomplishments...forget his past...forget his abilities...let's just kill perhaps the best hope of getting bush out of office.'not us's the "liberal media"....I'm shocked.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 07:30 AM
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1. TIME-Warner is a big media giant that has contributed money to Kerry
TIME was founded by a Skull & Bones member. It is not surprising that TIME-Warner is aiding and abetting the candidacy of another Bonesman: John Kerry.


Of course, there is more to Skull and Bones than the mystical mumbo-jumbo of its rituals. The rituals are less important than the relationships–the bonds of power and influence that develop between Skull and Bones initiates after they graduate. But the relationships are first forged by the rituals and fact that the founders of Time Inc. and the C.I.A., as well as several Secretaries of State and National Security Advisors–the men who made the decision to drop the Hiroshima bomb, invade the Bay of Pigs and plunge us into Vietnam, the Tafts, the Bundys, the Buckleys, the Harrimans, the Lovetts–all took part in this initiation ritual may have something to do with the real world power of those bonds. The unspoken understanding, the comfort level with the clandestine, the nods and winks with which power is exercised.
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jwb48 Donating Member (23 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 07:51 AM
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2. Agree, note that the media is not alone
Dean has many enemies, the media is just having fun and enjoying the power they have to change someone into a monster or raving maniac. But it is the invisible hand behind that also should be exposed. Did anyone else hear the report that the Iowa caucus was infiltrated by republicans? Why won't other dems jump in and help? They know this is wrong. Because Dean's message is confronting them as well. And what about republicans at Dean's speaking engagements trying to prevent him from speaking. Know that once they have killed Dean and stick us with Kerry, then everyone will begin to see how unelectable Kerry really is, not because he is a bad guy, but because he cannot energize the base, because he does not articulate the extreme danger this country faces with 4 more years of Bush.

My final point is this. Dean supporters must see the whole picture and stay the course, we may have to really work hard to get past this but the stakes are too high to retreat and settle for lessor candidates.
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cryofan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 08:41 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Just WHAT, exactly, is Dean confronting other Dems ABOUT?
Dean is an excellent motivational speaker with an outstanding ability to flex emotions. He is highly confident (which is one aspect of both Dean and Bush I am uncomfortable with) and poised.

But when it comes to issues, he has NOTHING on ANY democrat! Let's take a look at what Dean REALLY thinks about other people, and about the liberal agenda:


Most of the Democrats in the legislature rebelled against Dean over the budget cuts, and he ended up depending on Republican votes to pass most of his proposals. At the time, a local Vermont newspaper wrote, "The biggest items on Dean’s agenda for next year are likely to provoke more opposition from the Democrats than the Republicans. Nevertheless, Dean said he feels no particular pressure to deliver the goods to his party or to promote the Democratic agenda."15

In the mid-1990s, Dean even aligned himself with the likes of Republican Newt Gingrich on his stance on cutting Medicare. He opined at the time, "The way to balance the budget is for Congress to cut Social Security, move the retirement age to 70, cut defense, Medicare and veterans pensions, while the states cut everything else."16
The Rutland Herald described how one protestor, Henrietta Jordan of the Vermont Center for Independent Living, "said it would be much fairer to raise taxes on people with expensive homes and cars, children in private school and a housekeeper at home than to cut programs that helped the 66,000 Vermonters living with disabilities."17 Dean responded callously, brushing off the pleas of Vermont’s most vulnerable by saying, "This seems like sort of the last gasp of the left here."18"

The rest of this article is here:

Now, let's get something straight: Dean's record and his own words reveal him to be a cryptoRepublican.
Dean should move to the GOP. That is where he belongs.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 08:42 AM
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4. The TRUTH: Media built Dean up for months to stop Kerry.
Edited on Thu Jan-22-04 08:43 AM by blm
Shortly after this statement from Kerry, a press plane was given to Dean by whoever makes those decisions. Then Dean received TWO national covers last July with FIVE more right before the primaries. Name recognition is more than half the battle in primary voting.

June 2, 2003

Kerry Seeks to Reverse FCC's "Wrongheaded Vote"
Commission decision may violate laws protecting small businesses; Kerry to file Resolution of Disapproval

Washington, DC - Senator John Kerry today announced plans to file a "Resolution of Disapproval" as a means to overturn today's decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to raise media ownership caps and loosen various media cross-ownership rules.

Kerry will soon introduce the resolution seeking to reverse this action under the Congressional Review Act and Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act on the grounds that the decision may violate the laws intended to protect America's small businesses and allow them an opportunity to compete.

As Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Kerry expressed concern that the FCC's decision will hurt localism, reduce diversity, and will allow media monopolies to flourish. This raises significant concerns about the potential negative impacts the decision will have on small businesses and their ability to compete in today's media marketplace.

In a statement released earlier today regarding the FCC's decision, Kerry said:
"Nothing is more important in a democracy than public access to debates and information, which lift up our discourse and give Americans an opportunity to make honest informed choices. Today's wrongheaded vote by the Republican members of the FCC to loosen media ownership rules shows a dangerous indifference to the consolidation of power in the hands of a few large entities rather than promoting diversity and independence at the local level. The FCC should do more than rubber stamp the business plans of narrow economic interests.

"Today's vote is a complete dereliction of duty. The Commissioners are well aware that these rules greatly influence the competitive structure of the industry and protect the public's access to multiple sources of information and media. It is the Commission's responsibility to ensure that the rules serve our national goals of diversity, competition, and localism in media. With today's vote, they shirked that responsibility and have dismissed any serious discussion about the impact of media consolidation on our own democracy." 
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PAMod Donating Member (651 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 08:49 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. C'mon, the media IGNORED John Kerry until Iowa.
If they are out to stop him, they will stop him.

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