-- Democrats and independents. I like him personally but his voting record is a total right-wing freakout.
He's the nightmare. A McCain - David Rockefeller ticket (Ike's grandson) would be real tough for us, or McCain-Pawlenty, or McCain-Hutchison.
George Allen's name is mentioned, but I think he may be called back to his base galaxy prior to the primaries. So he's out.
Newt is a hot-air balloon and I just don't see him appealing to rural fundamentalist Republicans with the baggage he's carrying. He's too city-slickered and too-often divorced. He sounds like a banker explaining why a farm is being foreclosed.
George Pataki will be lucky if he remembers how to dress and feed himself by the time primary season rolls around in 2008. He's a bit of a mess with very little demographic appeal nationally.
Jeb says he's not interested, which would be great, but he remains a threat because he could conceivably hold the GOP base together for one last screwjob on the fundies, fueled by neocon/defense dollars. He also takes Florida deep into red if he is their nominee. He's a corrupt business hack and a clueless philistine, but so is his brother.
Mitt Romney makes me sick. That's not a very objective point, I grant you. But he is one of the most vomitous Republicans who ever got up and walked. Long on ego, short on public service as a gesture of citizenship. Too willing to divide others to advance himself. Dangerously high yuck factor.
Owen of Colorado is part crazed ideologue, part arrogant dandy. The GOP is roughly the same though, and so he could wind up as their VP candidate. I don't see him at the top of the ticket, if he's on it at all. I think Gov. Owen should run a used car dealership someplace. I think that's his life's calling.
Rudy is a fool. Tough prosecutor gets elected mayor of New York, suffers bad PR when his wife leaves him because he's a king-hell jerk, so he moves in with two gay guys in their apartment, then stumbles onto hero celebrityhood when the Trade Towers go down. I don't think his pro-GLBT, pro-choice positions are going to enthuse Southern red voters. New Hampshire voters will consider him damaged goods, and rightly so. McCain will destroy Giuliani in New Hampshire.
I think it's THE CAT BUTCHER for the GOP in 2008. He's from a border state, he's a halfassed doctor, he's tall, and once they run a few charisma implants, he might just make a sentient being. There's something....feline....about him -- that demure purr of an opportunist. He'll run as an unthreatening Dr. Welby type, and bore everyone's ass off in debates. He'll poll better than the hapless Bob Dole, but not enough to defeat a solid ticket if we send one up.
I think most or all of our possible nominees can wipe the floor with him. When he loses the general election in November, I predict THE CAT BUTCHER will take a job as the new Mr. Whipple on tv.