The Haiti Coup One Year Later: A Look Back at the U.S. Role in the Overthrow of Aristidesnip
AMY GOODMAN: When the reporters brought the question to the Pentagon, they questioned Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and asked if it was true what Pacifica was reporting. Donald Rumsfeld:
DONALD RUMSFELD: The idea that someone was abducted is just totally inconsistent with everything I heard or saw or am aware of. So I think that – that I do not believe he is saying what you say -- are saying he is saying.
AMY GOODMAN: That's Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Here is Secretary of State Colin Powell speaking on March 1 of last year.
COLIN POWELL: He was not kidnapped. We did not force him onto the airplane. He went onto the airplane willingly, and that's the truth.
AMY GOODMAN: And finally, White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan.
SCOTT McCLELLAN: Conspiracy theories like that do nothing to help the Haitian people realize the future that they aspire to, which is a better future, a more free future and a more prosperous future. We took steps to protect Mr. Aristide. We took steps to protect his family as they departed Haiti. It was Mr. Aristide's decision to resign, and he spelled out his reasons why.