... and the dems apparently don't have enough spine to do it.
Bush's massive tax cut and Reagan's before him not only led to the largest deficits in our history, they also led to massive IOUs to the Social Security Trust fund -- because decreased tax revenues led to spending money borrowed from the trust fund. These IOUs are in the form of US treasury bonds -- the same sort of bonds purchased by foreign investors and governments that finance trillions in debt our republican friends love to run up.
Issue 1: When Bush and republicans say that Social Security will pay out more than it takes in starting in 2018 and therefor we can't sustain it, what he really means is that the USA is prepared to default on trillions in debt. And when foreign investors / governments see that US treasury bonds won't be paid back, the economy will collapse because those bonds will not be worth the paper they are printed on.
Issue 2: Bush's 1.8 trillion tax cut to the wealthiest Americans will result in 1.8 trillion in SS tax money being spent on non-SSI spending over the same 10 yr period as the tax cut -- "borrowed" from SS trust fund, and financed with Treasury bonds as the IOU. And remember, he is now saying we can't afford to pay it back. In essence then, the republican plan is for your SS tax dollars (FICA) to be collected in order to finance a tax cut for the wealthy.
Now that, ladies and gentleman, is the most overt redistribution of wealth scheme, from the poorest to the wealthiest, that this country has ever seen.
The media won't call it out because they are NOT the liberal media --they are the conservative, republican media. But why oh why won't our own party members and legislators stand up and proclaim these truths?
Instead they half heartedly proclaim that Bush is destroying social security. Well, yes, that is what he is trying to do, but the actual methodology is much more sinister than that. Will we EVER have decent standard bearers for our message? I await the day.