Kerry is now either past Dean or statistically even with him when less than A month ago Zogby had stated that there was not possible scenario in which he could possibly imagine Kerry's campaign reviving.
Gallup Tracking
Dean 30%
Kerry 28%
Clark 19%
Edwards 9%
Lieberman 8%
Kucinich 2%
Sharpton 0%
undecided ?%
Dean 32%
Kerry 25%
Clark 21%
Edwards 7%
Lieberman 7%
Kucinich 2%
Sharpton 1%
undecided ?%
MoE 4 %
All other polls indicate the same Kerry momentum and Dean falling in the polls against Kerry.
Zogby International Tracking
Kerry 27%
Dean 24%
Clark 15%
Edwards 8%
Lieberman 6%
Kucinich 1%
Sharpton 0%
undecided 17%
Dean 25%
Kerry 23%
Clark 16%
Edwards 7%
Lieberman 7%
Kucinich 2%
Sharpton 0.1%
undecided 16%
MoE 4% much all of the polls over the last 48 hours show the same thing, with Kerry now at a statistical Dean heat with Dean or passing him as indicated in the Zogby poll. This is exactly mirorring the situation in Iowa during the week prior to the caucuses, with Deans lead slowly dropping, and Kerry's lead advancing far more rapidly. in most cases Kerry rising 3 points per day to Dean dropping one or two points per day.
The article is correct about Kerry beginnning to move up in New Hampshire during the week prior to the caucus, but it was againg, moving along with Kerry's advances in tracking polls in Iowa, as Kerry started moving up in the Iowa polls, the next day saw and equivalent rise in his polling numbers in New Hampsire, making it apparant that New Hampsire voters pretty much are beginning to have the same perception of the candidates and their campaigns as the voters in Iowa.
Even Dean is beginning to think in terms of losing N.H., as the day after his loss in that Iowa, he made comments of not needing to win in New Hampshire in order to remain a viable candidate.
I wonder if his own internal polling is starting to reflect what they did in the last days in Iowa?