This is my cut on the President-VP match-ups for the convention
The Sushi Bandit
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:39 PM
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This is my cut on the President-VP match-ups for the convention |
President-Vice President
Kerry - Clark Edwards - Kucinich Dean - Sharpton (LOL)
everyone else will drop out
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:42 PM
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1. I think Lieberman/Kucinich is what I would call a -balanced- ticket. |
I don't think it's gonna happen, but hey ;-)
The Sushi Bandit
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:45 PM
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4. Yes - balanced at opposite ends of the teater-totter |
I just wonder who would jump off first (while the other slams into the ground)! ;-)
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:42 PM
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:43 PM
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Wes has made it certain that he will NOT be anyone's VP. If there is a pairing of Clark and Kerry, it will have Clark on the top of the ticket.
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:46 PM
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5. At the convention in Boston -- |
-- we'll have a lot of good people to choose from, including all the people who ran for president.
Max Cleland would make an exciting vice presidential nominee.
Jay Rockefeller would likely swipe West Virginia back to our electoral college total.
Bill Moyers is an insightful liberal Texas Baptist who would slice Dick Cheney's ego up into little pieces for the VP debate.
Dale Bumpers helped bail Clinton out of the impeachment hearings and he could help us in a few southern states in 04, too. Hell of a nice guy.
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Thu Jan-22-04 07:54 PM
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Clark Dean or Dean Clark Kerry Edwards or Kerry Lieberman everybody else has been toast from the beginning
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Thu Jan-22-04 08:21 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. Don't rule people out for VP |
Clark says he won't be the vice prez. I don't know about that. I think he would be happier there than nowhere at all. Also, just remember that LBJ said "the vice presidency isn't worth a bucket of warm spit", and then ran for VP with Kennedy.
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