Edited on Fri Jan-23-04 12:22 AM by WillyT
And yeah, I meant carp!
C'mon folks, after Dean's 'Scream Speech' certain folks here delighted in his being knocked down a peg. Now that there is a possible turning of the tables on a couple of candidates, the delighters have become the stuck pig squealers. This is exactly what many here were worried about when we saw the flood of negative candidate salvos being launced at DU.
Look, nobody got severely damaged tonight, although Faux, the media in general, and Rove and the rePukes in particular, are trying their best, and will continue to do so.
Because we all want Pretzelface out on his ass so badly, we are amped up with fervent support for whoever we each believe can attain that singularly important goal. But because we are so juiced, every turn of events in blown WAY out of proportion.
All of tonight's candidates are still in the race. They are all still electable. And anyone of them is quantumly better than junior.
What we are seeing, however, is the media and political power brokers using our own passions and hopes as leverage against us in a political jujitsu move.
OUR candidates were reasonable, and well reasoned tonight. I suggest that we try the same tac. Otherwise their gonna pick 'em off one by one like a shooting gallery, and select our candidate for us.
They already selected a pResident for us four years ago. I say, NEVER AGAIN !!!