Awesome article and endorsement!
Denis Hayes was national coordinator of the first Earth Day in 1970. He now chairs the international Earth Day Network and is president of the Bullitt Foundation. This column reflects his personal views.
"Kerry has been my friend for 35 years, and his wife Teresa a close friend for 15 years. I've campaigned for him. He's organized huge Earth Day events for me. We've dined and drank late, and I've stayed at his home. I've had the chance to assess Kerry's character over the years. What I'm trying to say is that I know this guy, and I trust him."~
"A few big issues -- truly presidential issues -- will be remembered.
These will certainly include:
* Did America lead the world into a super-efficient, renewable-energy era, ending the oil stranglehold and putting the brake on climate change?
* Did America lead a successful effort to guarantee a healthy environment as a fundamental right for everyone?
* Did America mount a strong campaign to stop the global epidemic of extinction -- the most tragic collapse of biodiversity since the last time an asteroid hit the planet?
* Did America elect a president whose judicial nominees preserved the Bill of Rights, respected the traditional separation of powers, and honored res judicata?"~snip
"No American public official has a stronger, more consistent record on strategic arms control, free speech, civil liberties, fair taxes, racial justice, strong schools, a sound Social Security system, and guaranteed health care than Kerry. And no one has been a stronger, more consistent champion of peace over the last three decades than this hero who was awarded three Purple Hearts. No one has a more legitimate claim to be the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party."~snip
"I have to confess disappointment in the movement to which I've devoted most of my adult years. Environmentalists have not delivered the support that Kerry has earned. Kerry has always been there when we needed him. Today, he needs us."~snip