It was about 2/3 Q&A. 1/3 semi prepared material in
sort of interview format with another man as interviewer.
He wasn't asked specifically if he'd endorse, but he referred
to Kucinich as "my candidate," and gushed about him at length.
There's a good column of his (is there any other kind?) from Jan 18 at he talks about the "election" and Clark, Dean, Kucinich:
"Since the US media are controlled by that corporate America which provides us with political candidates, an informed electorate is not possible. What the media do well is not analyse, or even inform, but personalise a series of evil enemies, who accumulate weapons of mass destruction (as we constantly do) to annihilate us in the night out of sheer meanness.
First, a vast, spontaneous anti-war movement has been holding huge rallies (mostly unreported by the media)...I am writing a few days before the first Democratic primary. Although Governor Howard Dean had a strong lead for many weeks (if Murdoch TV is to be trusted), he is currently tied with the Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and Representative Dick Gephardt, each running as anti-war candidates (despite the fact that they both voted to give Bush wartime powers, leaving Dean the most immaculate of the anti-imperial candidates).
General Wesley Clark is viewed by some as a potential General Boulanger. But whatever he is or will be, he too is on record as saying that the war in Iraq was the wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place. He is rising in the polls, despite having no discernible gift for American-style politics, as well as attracting numerous hate pieces about him in the press - the work often of jealous, lazy generals.
Perhaps the election after next - should we survive this one - will have as its subject the necessity of a new constitution, obviously a dangerous but inevitable notion. That is when the most eloquent of the presidential candidates this year, Dennis Kucinich, will come into his own. He is already shaping up as a leader of an as-yet-unborn progressive alliance. Naturally, he is branded a leftist, the word used for any thoughtful conservative. Actually, we have never had a left or even a conscious right. We divide between up and down. The downs may now be on the rise."
Of course Vidal is pretty damn disgusted with our one party system,
as are many of us. Is pretty disgusted with Dems in general.
Thinks we need to return to a two party system:
The Imperial Party and the Anti-Imperial Party.
Also thinks we need to reclaim terms like "liberal," but he
uses "progressive." He also used "retro-regressive." :)
He's funnier than any comedian I've ever seen.
And no one has more truthful insights than The Great Man.