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Boston Globe: A Kerry-Edwards ticket in the works?

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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 04:39 AM
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Boston Globe: A Kerry-Edwards ticket in the works?
By Joan Vennochi (, 1/23/2004

THE DEMOCRATIC wing of the Democratic party was very quiet last night. As expected, Howard Dean, the ex-governor of Vermont who is trying to rebuild credibility, was subdued. But all the men who would replace President George W. Bush were subdued. Maybe it was the questions, maybe it was fatigue, or maybe it was just fear of suffering a Dean-like Iowa moment in New Hampshire. But there was little fight in or between the candidates in Manchester.

Is a Kerry-Edwards ticket already in the works? Being positive, the hallmark of John Edwards's presidential campaign, is one thing. Auditioning so publicly for vice president is another. That's what the senator from North Carolina seemed to be doing from the first question posed to him, regarding his vote for the Iraq war resolution but against the $87 billion that President Bush sought afterwards.

"We voted this way," he said, offering a joint explanation of his and Kerry's actions on those two matters. Later, asked if he agreed with Kerry's vote against the Defense of Marriage Act, passed prior to his own election to the Senate, Edwards said, "I think he was right."

For the record, I don't think she has a clue.

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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 04:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. a winner (n/t)
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anti-bush Donating Member (397 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 04:42 AM
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2. And before...
it was a Clark/Edwards
and before that it was Dean/Edwards

Maybe John Edwards understands that the best way to attract voters from the Kerry, Clark, and Dean camps is to warm up to their candidate (so the voters start to like him) and then charm them over to his corner?

If that's his plan, it seems to be working.
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POed_Ex_Repub Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 04:43 AM
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3. Who knows?

But I'd say it would look good on a ballot.
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ringmastery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 04:59 AM
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4. I think Edwards has to be on the ballot
He's the future of the party and he's only 50 years old.

If he doesn't win the nomination, 8 years in the VP slot will groom him for the presidency and he'll still be a relatively young 58 in 2012.
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 05:12 AM
Response to Reply #4
5.  As VP he would deny Hillary a shot at being president, which is
another good selling point to lure southern voters.
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Bush loves Jiang Donating Member (505 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 02:45 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. And me...
I don't trust's done a lot for our cause, but she's also done more for the right than I'd like. (Just ask Malloy.)
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Enjolras Donating Member (851 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 05:31 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. The Future of The Party???
Oh, I'll hold my tongue, so as not violate our new, sacrosanct make-nice rules. Suffice it to say that, as I care about far more than just electability (I am definitely an 'ABB'er'), I'd prefer a Dean/Kerry ticket. I know that'll never happen, precisely because of that thing about which I don't care so much.

I want universal health care. The American Bar Association doesn't.
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Bombtrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 06:32 AM
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7. This has been the most talked about aweful possible ticket ever
Edited on Fri Jan-23-04 07:29 AM by Bombtrack
It would be just plain moronic for Kerry to chose Edwards. Kerry would never come close to winning North Carolina at the top of the ticket. Or the other states Edwards has lived in (SC, GA, TN,). No vp would win them for him.

But what he could come close in is Florida. And Bob Graham, not Edwards, is the one who could do it for him

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David Dunham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 03:09 PM
Response to Reply #7
11. Bob Graham, who called for Bush's impeachment, can't be VP
Bob Graham went too far out on a limb by calling for Bush's impeachment. Picking him now as VP would not be wise.
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flpoljunkie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 02:37 PM
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8. Kerry and Edwards huddling before the debate last night in NH...
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 02:40 PM
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9. Wow, that would destroy my opinion of Edwards
yuck, don't sell us out Edwards.
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