Ok. After having my own freak out Monday, I am feeling very optimistic that Dean can mount a comeback, do well in New Hampshire and continue to regain momentum leading up to the convention.
As far as the war in Iraq goes, I think enough Democrats see the truth and understand that Dean's position on the war is one of the things that gathers him so much support.
But here's my question - let's just assume for a moment that there's some merit to the polls which show a majority of Americans believe the war was justified.
As things stand now - if no new or continued dispersement or information about the Bush Administration's deception jars the public's consciousness and conscience - can Dean win the general election opposing the war.
and ps - what might make that difficult, is I wonder if many Americans simply can't face the fact that "we" ie., the US was wrong, and that lives were destroyed in vain. I imagine there are still pockets of people who haven't accepted that about Vietnam.
If the answer is he can't win opposing the "popular" war, then it's up to us Dean supporters, and if he gets the nomination, all Dems to make every effort to change hearts and minds and keeping pushing the truth.