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Excellent Gallup Poll -- State by state economic perceptions

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mohc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 12:25 PM
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Excellent Gallup Poll -- State by state economic perceptions
I can not link to it because it is in the subscriber section, but this poll has some very revealing information.

Current Economic Situation (Excellent Good Fair Poor)
All: 3 34 42 21
Rep: 7 51 34 8
Dem: 1 15 48 36
Ind: 1 37 45 17

Outlook (Better Worse Same)
All: 53 39 6
Rep: 79 17 3
Dem: 32 55 10
Ind: 51 43 6

Almost as many R's saying excellent as poor, and more saying good than fair. While everyone else sees about 2/3 saying fair/poor, and a tiny number of Dems saying excellent/good. Basically shows what we have all been saying, the Bush administration has fostered an economy where some do well and the rest suffer, but as long as the economy is good for his voters, thats all that matters. Very low numbers for outlook staying the same, either things are getting worse or they are getting better.

But there was also a state-by-state breakdown of excellent/good minus poor and getting better minus getting worse. Based on the overall numbers, one would assume Red states would be positive on both. Here are the Red states with negative current perceptions:


And here are the red states with a negative outlook:


Although some of these obviously still will not be competitive, a lot of red states looking ripe for the picking...
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 12:50 PM
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1. Now this is what a winning campaign can use
to defeat *bush.
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Maddy McCall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 12:55 PM
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2. Can you post more info on Mississippi?
Or is there a link?

I would like to know how my neighbors feel about the economy.

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mohc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 01:00 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Can't link
Its in the Tuesday Briefing that is only for subscribers. Here is the MS info:

+4 Perception
-11 Outlook

Which means only 4% more think the economy is excellent or good than think it is poor, and 11% more think things are getting worse than think it is getting better.

Just as a note, while I mentioned in another post NM has a unusually good opinion of the economy, it appears Oregon is really in the dumps. Its numbers were -22 perception and -16 outlook. Can anyone from OR back that up?
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mohc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-04 12:56 PM
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3. Gallup's own analysis
Shows these states as vulnerable blue states: New Mexico and Maine. New Mexico has by far the best economic perception of any state, and a solid outlook. I really do not see how they put Maine in that category as its outlook was one of the worst.

Vulnerable red states: Georgia, South Carolina, Indiana, Colorado, Montana, North Carolina.

I would also throw in Ohio as it had both a negative outlook and current perception. While I can not see us taking SC, IN, or MT, the other 4 would be good places to start.
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