I am amazed to read posters here who are shocked and dismayed at the way Clark was treated at the debate. What else could you expect?
Clark can hurt him in the South and Southwest to a degree most Democrats cannot. Bush has to hold on to every state he won in 2000 or lose totally. Even the SCOTUS won't be able to pull his ass out of the fire this time, not without risking actual physical rioting in the streets.
How many "blue" states are really up for grabs? Not many, especially after years of Bush's "compassionate conservatism". So he cannot afford to lose the South. If Clark can win just Tennessee this time the election goes to the Democrats. A lot of places like that a Southern miiitary hero can pull votes traditional Yankee liberals simply cannot.
The GOP knows this and that is why they have tried, from the very beginning, to derail Clark's run. It may not have been clear to the folks who were pushing Dean's inevitability but just how many positive articles or stories have appeared on tv or in the press dealing with Wec Clark? Was DU the only place people questioned his "democratic" credentials? The only place people talked about the SOA? Or Pristina? Or even Waco?
Here's a clue. This stuff was all over from weeks before Clark announced.
Last night was not an aberration; it was business as usual for us.
Most of us are used to it; many of us welcome it. It is a validation from our foes that they fear us, and that cannot be anything but good.