Edited on Fri Jan-23-04 02:27 PM by Wife_of_a_Wes_Freak
Before voting, please read this excerpt from an earlier post on Howard Dean:
"You all had it right from the start. When Dean had the lead and the media attention, the spotlight was on him, and some just flat out believed every stupid freeper spin, in a desire to laud “our” candidate as the "most electable" or "different from Dean because..." Never once did we try to empathize (not all Clark, Kerry, etc... the "some of us" previously referred to above), and yet now, as all our candidates come under fire (far from equal fire, as the media won't be happy until Dean is buried 6ft under), we sympathize. For those with closed minds, our eyes were opened for us instead. I hate the attacks on Clark, I try to comfort myself with the spin from our camp, and yet... I finally see the hypocrisy in it all.
I hate seeing Clark attacked, but the good in it is, now I hate seeing any of our candidates attacked. If the best thing that comes from this is that we are reminded of who the real enemy is, and that we find some unity among all our camps, then God bless the media and the freepers... and God will indeed need to bless them... it's called "Last Rites".
We're comin' for you, Bush. Better get your house in order."
While it is most definitely not intended to be a threat, but a clever play on words, my sweet, paranoid husband, Clark4Prez says I'd better edit that last line, 'cause the Secret Service be comin' for me now. But I LIKE it! So you can help me decide.
Should I edit out "last rites" and "we're comin' for you, Bush" ?