By SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The crowded Democratic field has candidates competing for dollars as they vie for primary votes. With cash tight, most need to win soon to stay in the race.
Only Howard Dean (news - web sites) with his devoted base of Internet donors seems to have the resources it would take to ride out several early losses, like his third-place finish to John Kerry (news - web sites) and John Edwards (news - web sites) in the Iowa caucuses. But fund-raising experts caution even that money could dry up fast if Dean doesn't start winning. Next up is the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday.
"The same phenomena that brings it in dries it up," said Rick Davis, who ran Republican Sen. John McCain's 2000 presidential campaign, which raised more than $4 million online in the month after McCain won the New Hampshire primary and before he withdrew from the race.
"I think what Dean is probably witnessing right now is the shift. What fueled his campaign, especially a lot of his contributions, was the party was pretty united against the war in Iraq (news - web sites)," Davis said. "Now they want to beat Bush."