The only time they mention Clark is to repeat the "he's a Republican" meme, and the lumped him with Sharpton at the bottom of the article.
They mention Kerry's lead in the ARG poll as "31-20" but neglect to mention that the "20" belongs to Clark, not Dean. Given the clause before it (we're talking SAME SENTENCE here), any reader would have to assume that the 20 belongs to Dean:
Other polls released Friday showed Kerry with a strong lead as well: 34 percent to Dean's 19 percent in a Boston Globe/WBZ-TV tracking poll with a five-point margin of error; 31-20 in an American Research Group poll with a four-point margin of error; and 26-19 percent in a Suffolk University/ WDHD-TV tracking poll with a five-point margin of error.
Actuall ARG poll results:
Kerry - 31% Clark - 20% Dean - 18% Edwards - 11%